Sheikh. Bakheet Bin Jadeed Bin Jedad Bin Kathir
Words from Chairman
We at Najed Al Ahliya are very proud of what we have accomplished thus far. Starting with humble beginnings and limitless ambitions, we set our goal to establish a local community contracting company with its motto at the heart of our operation, “by the people for the people”.
With no disregard to the economic bottom line, we intend to base our business model on the importance of giving back to community. This takes another dimension of importance when it comes to communities in concession areas. Communities in concession area are constantly changing and this requires a dynamic operation to adapt these changes in order to fulfill the needs and requirements LCC companies have to accomplish.
We (thanks to Almighty) have been successful so far in contributing back to the community and we intend to keep this support sustainable. In its first year, Najed Al Ahliya has awarded full scholarships to more than 20 students in local colleges from the local communities. The scholarship program was selected in disciplines that will allow students to source promising careers in oil and gas business should they choose to pursue. Also, for all our hiring of equipment or personnel we give absolute priority to other LCC companies. We believe this is an inspiring motive and forms part of our committed Corporate Social Responsibility.
We are continuously trying to look for the most effective ways to grow our business along with extending out outreach to our communities. We also put Omanisation at all levels as one of our most important priorities and have managed so far to Omanise many of leadership positions and enhance the level of Omanisation in the skilled category.